- ‘little Igor’
- 13-feet (3.96m) tall
- 4.5-tonne
Category Archives: Vehicles
Spider Mech
Wild Wild
the scout ship Dark Star
The Method
Construction ExoSkeleton
Space Marine ExoSkeleton
- EDI (Extreme Deep Invader”)
– nicknamed “Tin Man” - EDI was struck by lightning during a storm, its software and functioning began to change and it went rogue
- UCAV (short for Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle)
- first movie to be combined with a video game when it was released in the Sony PlayStation Portable’s UMD format
“Fear the Sky.”
Stealth (2005)
- 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge
- 2005 Sportsmobile 4WD
- highly-modified off-road Ford E350 van
- California Institute of Technology’s autonomous Ford E350
- GPSs
- IMUs
- two stereo vision camera pairs
- up to three LADAR units
- a magnetometer,
- a road-following camera
- all talking to up to fourteen blade server computers
- mounted in a clean, climate-controlled, shock-mounted enclosure.
Johnny Cab
1990 (2084)
- robotic automaton
Giant Mega Robot
- Western Market’s red/white Matsumoto-14
- Confederation’s Vovalefski-42
following a WWIII nuclear holocaust