Robot Assassin Game

Robot Assassin 
Ultimate Robot Battle Game

All you need are Some Cards to Play

  • Buy Decks on Gear, or print your own
  • Play Anyplace, Two to 10 players
  • Game can be short, Quick Robot Battles,
    or long Robot Wars you can Play for Hours

Game Play
General Rules

  • Shuffle the Robot Assassin Card Deck
    Play with more than one deck, for even more fun
  • Deal each player 10 cards randomly
  • Place remaining cards face down (the Robot Factory)
  • Give each Player some number of Humans to protect
    – The more Humans you start with, the longer the game
    – Try with small numbers (12-50), or very large numbers (1,000+)
  • Each Player decides to Do Battle, Go to War, or Pass
  • Once a turn is over, the next player Decides to Do Battle. Go to War, or Pass
  • Game play continues for each player until they lose all their humans

Do Battle or Pass
General Rules for each turn; Do Battle, Go to War, or Pass

Doing Battle

  • During their Turn, players can choose to use Cards to Attack in a Robot Battle or Robot War
    – Most Cards have two numbers, “Attack Damage / War Damage” 
    In a Robot Battle, use the “Attack Damage” to tally damage to the opponents that turn
    In a ROBOT WAR, use the “War Damage”  to tally damage to the opponents that turn, but each card used in a Robot War is sacrificed to the discard pile

Robot Battle

  • Pick an Opponent to Direct each Card to attack
  • Defending Player can choose to Battle with a Robot Card from their hand, or loose a number of humans equal to the total of the Attack Damage
  • After a Robot Battle all cards who aren’t destroyed can be kept and used again

Robot War

  • Pick an Opponent to Direct each Card to attack
  • Declare a Robot War
  • Defending Player may choose to Battle with a Robot Cards from their hand, using the “War Damage
  • For any War Damage that can not be defended against, players loose a number of humans equal to the total of the “War Damage
  • After a Robot War, all cards involved are destroyed 

Pass & Take a Card

  • If you do not want to do Battle, or Go to War (or can’t) then you can Pass Your Turn
  • When you pass, you must Draw an Additional Card from the “Robot Factory”

Choose who will go first

  • Each player chooses a random card from the payer to the left
  • Compare the cards dawn
  • The largest card chooses the who will go first

BYOC – Bring Your Own Cards

  • The more cards you play with the longer the battles can continue
  • Booster packs with multiple cards, and new robots will be available periodically

Card Types

  • Robots
    – Androids
  • CyBorgs
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Exo Skeletons
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