

Saturn 3 (1980)
Robot is called Hector
a robot , powered by baby brains
Harvey Keitel (a Murderer) turns up and assembles a robot

killer robot movie “Demigod Series” running on the brain tissue of human fetuses programmed direct link to a persons brain. look like it has muscles “head” is a tiny camera on a “desk lamp” neck

  • Titan research station
  • Demi-god Series
  • nine-foot-tall
  • “No taction contact!”
  • Head is called an “eyestalk”
  • “That was an improper thought leakage.”

killer robot movie
“Demigod Series” running on the brain tissue of human fetuses
programmed direct link to a persons brain.
look like it has muscles
“head” is a tiny camera on a “desk lamp” neck

$10m production

There’s some THING wrong on Saturn 3!

Saturn 3 (1980)

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