Robot AssassinĀ
Ultimate Robot Battle Game
All you need is some cards to play
- Buy Decks on Gear or print your own
- Play Anyplace, Two to 10 players
- Game can be short, quick battles, or Robot Wars you can Play for Hours
Game Play
- Shuffle the Robot Assassin Card Deck
– Play with more than one deck too
- Deal each player 10 cards randomly
- Place remaining cardsĀ face down (the Robot Factory)
- Give each Player some number of Humans to protect
– The more Humans you start with, the longer the game
– Try with small numbers (12-50), or very large numbers (1,000+)
- Choose who will go first
– Each player chooses a random card from the payer to the left
– Compare the cards dawn, and the largest card chooses the who will go first.
- Player decides to Do Battle or Pass
- Once a turn is over, the next player Decides to Do Battle or Pass
- Game play continues for each player until they loose all their humans
BYOC – Bring Your Own Cards
- They more cards you play with the longer the battles can continue
- Booster packs with multiple cards, and new robots will be available periodically