
1996 (2063)

We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile

  • Cyborgs linked in a hive mind called “the Collective”
    – linked to the collective by a sophisticated subspace network
  • both mechanical and biological body parts
  • Individual Borg are referred to as drones
    – almost zombie-like
    – Individual Borg rarely speak
  • commonly have one eye replaced with a sophisticated ocular implant
  • usually have one arm replaced with a prosthesis
  • drones have different roles

“Resistance is futile”

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

Lt. Commander Data

1994 (2335-2379)

  • created by human cyberneticist Dr. Noonien Soong
    – created in the year 2335
  • with a “positronic” brain
  • an ’emotion chip’
  • died in the year 2379

Star Trek (The Next Generation or TNG) films (1994-2002)



Saturn 3 (1980)
Robot is called Hector
a robot , powered by baby brains
Harvey Keitel (a Murderer) turns up and assembles a robot

killer robot movie “Demigod Series” running on the brain tissue of human fetuses programmed direct link to a persons brain. look like it has muscles “head” is a tiny camera on a “desk lamp” neck

  • Titan research station
  • Demi-god Series
  • nine-foot-tall
  • “No taction contact!”
  • Head is called an “eyestalk”
  • “That was an improper thought leakage.”

killer robot movie
“Demigod Series” running on the brain tissue of human fetuses
programmed direct link to a persons brain.
look like it has muscles
“head” is a tiny camera on a “desk lamp” neck

$10m production

There’s some THING wrong on Saturn 3!

Saturn 3 (1980)


1964 (2058)

Environmental Control Robot
Model B-9

  • on a ten-year mission
  • on the Jupiter II spaceship
  • 8-foot tall robot

“Warning! Warning!”

Lost in Space in the mid-to-late 1960s